
What a Wonderful Waste

Today I was attempting to do some writing, I really thought I had something wonderful to write about, but it just didn't work out at all. It's been happening to me a lot lately. I have these wonderful thoughts and ideas so perfectly formed in my mind that just refuse to be put to paper. My mediocre idea escaped me, like so many others, and all I was left with was some dumb idea about keys.

The keys idea was all about how special and important a large amount of keys make people feel. Keys let you have access to things others don't. These areas are then exclusive to only those with keys and people like exclusivity. Why else would anyone want to carry around a large amount of keys around in their pocket? I don't know.

What a waste of a day. I have yet to accomplish anything with it. I never really accomplish anything with my days. I need some rum. Fuck I love rum. It will cure my cold for sure and if not I will be too drunk to care.


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